Category: General
09:10Welcome to another episode in our Rambam In-Depth series. In this groundbreaking analysis, we uncover how the Rambam revolutionizes our understanding of idol worship's impurity through his commentary in Hilchot Avodat Kochavim. Journey with us as we explore one of the Rambam's most fascinating philosophical and halachic insights.In this enlightening Torah discussion, we explore:Why idol worship's impurity is uniquely rabbinic in natureThe four distinct categories of idolatrous impurityRambam's surprising choice of Biblical hintA profound new perspective on spiritual realityHow this impacts our understanding of holiness and impurity
38:53Discover the fascinating duality of Noah, a man described as both perfectly righteous and deeply flawed. Journey through the deeper meanings of the ark, its three levels, and how this ancient wisdom provides a blueprint for our own spiritual growth. This profound Torah discussion reveals how even the most enigmatic biblical figures can illuminate our path to personal development.In this enlightening Torah discussion, we'll explore:- The complex nature of Noah's righteousness and what it means for us- Why being "perfect in his generation" carries multiple layers of meaning- The three levels of spiritual growth represented by the Ark's structure- How Torah and prayer serve as our modern-day Ark- Understanding the power of continuous growth in any spiritual stateDelve deep into one of the Torah's most intriguing figures through a masterful analysis that bridges ancient wisdom with contemporary relevance. We explore how Noah's story transcends historical narrative to become a powerful template for personal growth. Through careful examination of classical commentaries and Chassidic insights, we uncover how the physical structure of the ark mirrors our own spiritual journey. Whether you're beginning your spiritual journey or are well along the path, this teaching offers profound insights into the nature of righteousness, personal growth, and the transformative power of Torah and prayer.
07:02What happens when poverty leads a Jew to sell himself into idolatrous service? Rabbi Greenberg examine the Jewish laws around this tragic case according to Maimonides' Mishneh Torah. We'll explore the disputes between Rambam and Tosafot on whether intent matters if the outcome further distances someone from Judaism. Can we redeem those who stray far from the path? How do we balance justice and mercy?This in-depth look at Jewish ethics reveals timeless wisdom for our lives today. Join me as we delve into the mind of Maimonides, one of history's greatest rabbis. Gain fresh perspective on assimilation, excommunication, repentance, and our duties to those who lose their way.
16:47See the incredible story of how one dollar from the Lubavitcher Rebbe miraculously healed a man after a devastating stroke. This unbelievable tale of faith and divine intervention will restore your hope and belief. Learn how the rabbi's blessing and a single dollar led to a miraculous recovery that stunned doctors. Don't miss this emotional journey about the power of prayer and a holy man.
43:17Discover the untold history and mystical meaning behind the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Learn the covert spiritual battle encoded in its construction. Uncover the transcendent madness of Biblical prophets and how it relates to your soul. This mind-blowing discourse from the Lubavitcher Rebbe reveals profound kabbalistic truths about creation, sin, and humanity's relationship with the Divine.
31:16Discover the secret power of birthdays according to Jewish wisdom. Learn why your birthday is the day God says "This world cannot go without you!" Gain insight into how to tap into your spiritual energies on your birthday. Understand the importance of knowing your Hebrew/Jewish birthday.
55:03Discover the astonishing life story of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, the legendary Previous Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. Learn how he transformed Jewish life in Soviet Russia, miraculously escaped the Nazis, and built a global Jewish revival from America. This video takes you on a riveting journey through the Previous Rebbe's daring underground activities, remarkable teachings, and tireless efforts that saved countless Jewish lives. From transforming American Jewry to giving cryptic blessings that warded off Nazi bullets, the Previous Rebbe's unbelievable exploits will inspire and mystify you!
16:27Incredible stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's blessings and how they protected his followers during World War 2. Hear how the Rebbe miraculously stopped an anti-Semitic decree in Russia. Discover the spiritual power behind the Rebbe's guarantee that "Every bullet has an address. You are not the address."
23:31We're still slaves in Egypt today. How do we break free? Learn how the Exodus story applies to liberating your soul daily.
05:26Crazy disputes between Jewish scholars over land and date palm sales - what happens when you sell land and crops but don't deliver on the crops?! We dive into an intense 2000 year old debate over contracts and sales between the Rambam and Rabbeinu Tam.
39:44Discover the mystical secrets hidden in the weekly Torah portion and uncover profound insights into spirituality, God, and the meaning of life. Learn how the exodus from Egypt contained four stages of redemption that we celebrate today. Gain a deeper understanding of the Ten Plagues and their mystical purpose beyond simply punishing the Egyptians. This mind-expanding lecture reveals a whole new dimension to the Torah and Judaism that will blow your mind!
40:27Learn the timeless Jewish secret to winning debates and having your opinions endure forever. Discover the key to healthy disagreements that strengthen bonds. Find out what destroys relationships and reputations. Watch now and transform the way you argue!
01:14:30Maimonides, also known as "The Rambam," lived over 800 years ago but left an indelible mark on Judaism that is still felt today. Some consider him one of the 10 most influential Jewish sages in history. We dive deep into the immense accomplishments of Maimonides across philosophy, law, medicine and more, while also covering the many controversies surrounding his ideas. From his struggles against forced conversion of Jews, to his efforts to reconcile faith with reason, to his voluminous writings that reformulated Jewish law, Maimonides led an incredible life filled with tragedy and triumph.
37:08Unlock the secrets of ancient Jewish wisdom to manifest blessings and achieve your goals in life.
18:31A Chassidic woman flees to Australia and disappears. See how a chance encounter on a plane leads to her being found and returning to her faith.