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09:10Welcome to another episode in our Rambam In-Depth series. In this groundbreaking analysis, we uncover how the Rambam revolutionizes our understanding of idol worship's impurity through his commentary in Hilchot Avodat Kochavim. Journey with us as we explore one of the Rambam's most fascinating philosophical and halachic insights.In this enlightening Torah discussion, we explore:Why idol worship's impurity is uniquely rabbinic in natureThe four distinct categories of idolatrous impurityRambam's surprising choice of Biblical hintA profound new perspective on spiritual realityHow this impacts our understanding of holiness and impurity
04:41Everyone has heard of Moshe and even, Yehoshua. But have you heard of the biblical hero, Chur? Here is what we can learn from this unsung hero.
57:56Discover Judaism's formula for resetting and recalibrating our lives.
04:43We are careful about what goes into our mouths but are we careful of what comes out of it? An important reminder of the power of words.
18:31A Chassidic woman flees to Australia and disappears. See how a chance encounter on a plane leads to her being found and returning to her faith.