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53:31Learn the truth about a Jewish woman's G-dly role from Torah sources. Discover her noble purpose and how she ushers in light according to Jewish wisdom.
01:47Why settle for mediocrity? The story of Chanukah reminds us to serve G-d with excellence. Happy Night #5! Please subscribe and share with friends.
01:20A little bit of light dispells a lot of darkness. Happy Chanukah Night #1!
39:18What kind of student are you - the super soaker sponge, the forgetful funnel, the negative strainer, or the focused sieve? Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each in this insightful lecture.
25:23Why is there so much suffering in the world? If G-d could do anything, why doesn’t e perfect the world and end the suffering? Most importantly, will we ever be able to understand suffering?