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16:18What makes G-d happy? What brings him pain? Hint: G-d is our father and we are his children.
03:46What will it take for all of us to live together in peace?Rabbi Greenberg addresses how to enter our personal Ark from this week’s Torah Portion, Noach.
05:22Even in the deepest exile, the Jewish people did not lose their identity. By keeping Jewish names, they merited to be redeemed. Here is why living with a strong Jewish identity is so crucial.
22:01Abraham is the first Jew and known as the father of our nation ("our forefather Abraham", " Abraham our father", etc). How are these two ideas related? And how can we call someone from so far back in our history our father?
42:45What's the deal with the mezuzah? Learn the truth about this mysterious object - from what's inside to where to place it, why it matters, crazy stories, how to check if it's kosher, and more. Get the inside scoop on the mezuzah!