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07:02What happens when poverty leads a Jew to sell himself into idolatrous service? Rabbi Greenberg examine the Jewish laws around this tragic case according to Maimonides' Mishneh Torah. We'll explore the disputes between Rambam and Tosafot on whether intent matters if the outcome further distances someone from Judaism. Can we redeem those who stray far from the path? How do we balance justice and mercy?This in-depth look at Jewish ethics reveals timeless wisdom for our lives today. Join me as we delve into the mind of Maimonides, one of history's greatest rabbis. Gain fresh perspective on assimilation, excommunication, repentance, and our duties to those who lose their way.
28:28Judaism is more than just rules and responsibilities. It's about uncovering the potential of every person and moment in time. This lesson from Rabbi Greenberg teaches us to appreciate diversity and to see the beauty in all of G-d's creations.
03:25Do Jews also believe that 13 is an unlucky number? Rabbi Greenberg answers.
05:26Crazy disputes between Jewish scholars over land and date palm sales - what happens when you sell land and crops but don't deliver on the crops?! We dive into an intense 2000 year old debate over contracts and sales between the Rambam and Rabbeinu Tam.