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22:01Abraham is the first Jew and known as the father of our nation ("our forefather Abraham", " Abraham our father", etc). How are these two ideas related? And how can we call someone from so far back in our history our father?
16:41The High Holidays are over and a new year lies ahead of us. Rabbi Greenberg explains how to keep the inspiration high, stick to your New Years' resolutions and make real change in your life.
04:56In times of such darkness and confusion, there is an even greater demand for kindness. We can't wait for an opportunity to help someone to present itself; we must be proactive in our care for one another.
20:48Our sages say, "Who is a rich person? One who is satisfied with his lot." How can we turn wealth from being something that is disruptive and the source of unhappiness into a positive virtue?Join Rabbi Greenberg as he breaks down the six points of wealth and how we can learn to use our material possessions to transform our conditional happiness into a more meaningful and everlasting joy.
15:30The destiny of our people is in your hands.